Knauf Insulation Experience Center built with Trimoterm received Platinum DGNB Certificate

We proudly announce that our Trimoterm T sandwich panels were used for building the Knauf Insulation Experience Center (KIEXC) in Škofja loka, Slovenia, which received the highest possible recognition by the DGNB (ger.: »Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen«; en.: German Sustainable Building Council) – the DGNB Certificate in Platinum.

KIEXC represents a sustainable construction on the European level. The building itself was designed from the very beginning to demonstrate the pioneering approach of Knauf Insulation to the future of sustainable construction. The center operates as regional demonstration and training center, where Knauf shows most innovative insulation solutions and examples of good practices of their partners in the area of sustainable construction. (KI Experience, November 2019, http://www.kiexperience.org/en...)

Knauf Insulation Experience Center, demonstration and training center Knauf Insulation, Škofja Loka, Slovenija
The DGNB (ger.: »Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen«; en.: German Sustainable Building Council) system provides an objective description and assessment of the sustainability of buildings and urban districts. It can be tailored precisely to various uses of a building and even to meet country-specific requirements. The outstanding fulfilment of up to 37 sustainability criteria from the - environmental, economic, sociocultural and functional aspects, technical quality, process quality and site quality are certified. If a performance requirement is met, the DGNB awards the DGNB certificate in bronze, silver, gold and platinum. (DGNB System – Sustainable and Green Building, November 2019, https://www.dgnb-system.de/en/)
Fulfilling our client’s requests is crucial for us, so whenever they request the DGNB certificate compliance, we make sure to use the right materials to meet performance requirements.
The DGNB evaluation process applies to the entire building and not just to a single product. Therefore, Trimo products represent part of the whole assessment and have an impact on building life cycle assessment, local environmental impact, life cycle cost, flexibility and adaptability, thermal and sound comfort and quality of the building envelope.
Our Trimoterm Power T facade panels with mineral wool insulation and steel sheets with low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) coating system and no lead, cadmium or chromium-VI (Hexavalent chromium) compounds were used for the KIEXC building and are thus contributing to fulfilling the building requirement to obtain the Platinum DGNB Certificate.
Read more about the Platinum DGNB Certificate and contribution of different factors and products used for KIEXC here: http://www.kiexperience.org/en/