Společnost Trimo je držitelem více než 1500 certifikátů na svoje produkty a řešení, které platí ve 23 zemích po celém světě.
Patří mezi ně certifikáty podle norem ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001: 2004, ISO 45001, CE, TUV, LPCB, FM Approved, CWCT,
EN, SC2, DIN, BS, UBC a mnoho dalších.

Nejnovější verze všech dokumentů lze nalézt na www.trimo-group.com/en.
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Facade Systems
- VKF 32986 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV HL 100 ver 4m DE facade (PDF, 108 KB)
- VKF 30433 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 7,8m DE facade (PDF, 84 KB)
- VKF 30427 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 4m DE facade (PDF, 84 KB)
- VKF 30436 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 100 ver 4m DE facade (PDF, 98 KB)
- VKF 32139 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 ver 7,5m DE facade (PDF, 1 MB)
- VKF 32137 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 hor 7,5m DE facade (PDF, 1 MB)
- VKF 31356 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 120 hor 7,5(8)m DE facade (PDF, 120 KB)
- VKF 32185 Trimoterm Perform R FTV HL 100 hor 4m DE facade (PDF, 587 KB)
- Brandzulassung - aBG 19 52-2457 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Perform C Zulassung - aBG Z-10 49-550 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Power S Zulassung - aBG Z-10 49-624 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Power T Zulassung - aBG Z-10 49-625 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Qbiss Screen Zulassung - abZ aBG Z -10 (PDF, 1 MB)
Qbiss Screen
- ISO-CERTIFICATE-9001 14001 45001-DE (PDF, 739 KB)
- ISO 9001-GER-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 45001-GER-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 14001-GER-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
Partition Walls and Ceilings
- VKF 33047 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV HL 100 ver 4m DE partition (PDF, 113 KB)
- VKF 30432 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 7,8m DE partition (PDF, 85 KB)
- VKF 30430 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 4m DE partition (PDF, 82 KB)
- VKF 30437 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 100 ver 4m DE partition (PDF, 97 KB)
- VKF 32140 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 ver 7,5m DE partition (PDF, 1 MB)
- VKF 32138 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 hor 7,5m DE partition (PDF, 1 MB)
- VKF 32183 Trimoterm Perform R FTV 80 hor 7,5m DE partition (PDF, 589 KB)
Facade Systems
- 981 Trimoterm FTV FTV HL 12-12-2024 (PDF, 132 KB)
- FM 4881 certificate - FTV HL hidden fixation (PDF, 210 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm - production SRB - EN (PDF, 4 MB)
- EPD Trimoterm Power T FTV 60 - production SLO (PDF, 690 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm Power T FTV 240 - production SLO (PDF, 690 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm Power T FTV 150 - production SLO (PDF, 690 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm Power S FTV 60 - production SLO (PDF, 691 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm Power S FTV 240 - production SLO (PDF, 691 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm Power S FTV 150 - production SLO (PDF, 690 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm NEXT FTV 60 - production SLO (PDF, 768 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm NEXT FTV 240 - production SLO (PDF, 768 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm NEXT FTV 150 - production SLO (PDF, 768 KB)
- EPD Qbiss Screen H H+ 50 - production SLO (PDF, 717 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One T 80 - production SLO (PDF, 740 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One T 240 - production SLO (PDF, 740 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One T 150 - production SLO (PDF, 740 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One S 80 - production SLO (PDF, 740 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One S 240 - production SLO (PDF, 740 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One S 150 - production SLO (PDF, 740 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One NEXT 80 - production SLO (PDF, 845 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One NEXT 240 - production SLO (PDF, 846 KB)
- EPD Qbiss One NEXT 150 - production SLO (PDF, 845 KB)
Qbiss Screen
Qbiss One
- VOC Statement Belgian Regulation 2024 (PDF, 132 KB)
- VOC Statement BREEAM 2024 (PDF, 200 KB)
- VOC Statement EMICODE 2024 (PDF, 205 KB)
- VOC Statement French VOC and CMR Regulation 2024 (PDF, 218 KB)
- VOC Statement German AgBB 2024 (PDF, 201 KB)
- VOC Statement Indoor Air Comfort 2024 (PDF, 206 KB)
- VOC Statement Italian CAM Regulation 2024 (PDF, 207 KB)
- LPCB 650d 02 (PDF, 195 KB)
- LPCB 650b 04 (PDF, 348 KB)
- LPCB 650a 09 (PDF, 952 KB)
- ISO 9001-ENG-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 45001-ENG-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 14001-ENG-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- FM 4881 certificate (PDF, 102 KB)
- Sustainability BES 6001 Certificate (PDF, 344 KB)
- Certificate of constancy of performance for Trimotem and Qbiss product families (PDF, 96 KB)
- Certificate of conformity of the factory production control EN 1090-1 (PDF, 80 KB)
Trimoterm, Qbiss
Roof Systems
- EPD Trimoterm Power T SNV 200 - production SLO (PDF, 757 KB)
- EPD Trimoterm Power T SNV 150 - production SLO (PDF, 757 KB)
Facade Systems
- VKF 32986 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV HL 100 ver 4m FR facade (PDF, 120 KB)
- VKF 30433 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 7,8m FR facade (PDF, 87 KB)
- VKF 30427 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 4m FR facade (PDF, 90 KB)
- VKF 30436 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 100 ver 4m FR facade (PDF, 102 KB)
- VKF Trimoterm Power T FTV 120 aussen 6,8m 30433 FR (PDF, 93 KB)
- VKF Trimoterm Power T FTV 120 aussen 30427 FR (PDF, 96 KB)
- VKF Trimoterm Power T FTV 100 aussen 30436 FR (PDF, 96 KB)
- VKF 32140 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 ver 7,5m FR facade (PDF, 1 MB)
- VKF 32137 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 hor 7,5m FR facade (PDF, 1 MB)
- VKF 32185 Trimoterm Perform R FTV HL 100 hor 4m FR facade (PDF, 599 KB)
- VKF 32183 Trimoterm Perform R FTV 80 hor 7,5m FR partition (PDF, 610 KB)
- PV EFR-21-002083 - Trimoterm, Type FTV, FTV HL (PDF, 708 KB)
- DTA Trimoterm FTV Power T & Perform C & Power S (PDF, 5 MB)
- DTA Trimoterm FTV HL Power T Power S (PDF, 4 MB)
- PV EFR-21-001050 - Qbiss One (PDF, 674 KB)
- DTA Qbiss One Power T (PDF, 2 MB)
Qbiss One
- ISO-CERTIFICATE-9001 14001 45001-FRA (PDF, 740 KB)
- ISO 9001-FRA-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 45001-FRA-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 14001-FRA-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
Partition Walls and Ceilings
- VKF 33047 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV HL 100 ver 4m FR partition (PDF, 124 KB)
- VKF 30432 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 7,8m FR partition (PDF, 80 KB)
- VKF 30430 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 120 ver 4m FR partition (PDF, 85 KB)
- VKF 30437 Trimoterm Power T typ FTV 100 ver 4m FR partition (PDF, 105 KB)
- VKF Trimoterm Power T FTV 120 innen 6,8m 30432 FR (PDF, 96 KB)
- VKF Trimoterm Power T FTV 120 innen 30430 FR (PDF, 96 KB)
- VKF Trimoterm Power T FTV 100 innen 30437 FR (PDF, 97 KB)
- VKF 32140 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 ver 7,5m FR partition (PDF, 1 MB)
- VKF 32138 Trimoterm Power S Perform C FTV 80 hor 7,5m FR partition (PDF, 1 MB)
- Spread of fire Trimoterm FTV FTV HL FTV R Sound SNV KO(45) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Spread of fire for Qbiss One KO(45) (PDF, 245 KB)
- Hygiene Certificate Russia (PDF, 1 MB)
- Certificate of conformity Kazakhstan (PDF, 278 KB)
- Certificate of conformity for Trimoterm SNV (PDF, 919 KB)
- Certificate of conformity for Qbiss One (PDF, 808 KB)
- Certificate of conformity of the factory production control EN 1090-1 - RUS (PDF, 83 KB)
- Certificate of conformity of the factory production control - EN 1090 RU (PDF, 78 KB)
Qbiss One
- Trimo d (PDF, 322 KB)
- Trimo d (PDF, 322 KB)
- Trimo d (PDF, 322 KB)
- ISO 9001-SLO-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 45001-SLO-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- ISO 14001-SLO-13082023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Certificate of constancy of performance for Trimotem and Qbiss product families SI (PDF, 97 KB)
- Certifikat o skladnosti kontrole proizvodnje - EN 1090-1 (PDF, 80 KB)